We had a great time at Maranatha Village in Sebring, Florida, where several of our Pillsbury alumni friends reside. The Village is a beautiful retirement area situated on over 200 acres in south-central Florida. Connie and I enjoyed ten days at the RV Park located on the grounds. (See our family site for more info:
http://carlsonconnections.blogspot.com/.) The weather was great, and the fellowship was superb!

During our visit we had several great times of fellowship with Dennis and Sherry Whitehead, Gil and Pat Seddon, Jerry and Kathy Webber, and Ed and Alice Caughill. The Whiteheads, Seddons, and Webbers have homes at Maranatha Village, and the Seddons had invited the Caughills to their home for a week visit.
We had a great time of fellowship and fun together. On the final night of our visit we sat around the Whiteheads' table and reminisced; told stories from our college days, and confessed some long forgotten hijinks from our days of immaturity. Actually the time was a blessed time of spiritual remembrances -- sprinkled with a lot of laughter and enjoyment.

Here is the whole crowd at the Whiteheads dinning room table. Left to right: Ed & Alice Caughill, Connie & Gerry Carlson, Dennis & Sherry Whitehead, Jerry & Kathy Webber, and Gil & Pat Seddon.

One of the purposes of our visit was to investigate Maranatha as a potential future retirement place. Gil Seddon, and the Village manager, took us on an informational tour of a number of the homes. Maranatha is a friendly place that is well maintained. The website for the Village is:
Jerry Webber is pastor of Maranatha Baptist Church, which is the church on the grounds of the Village. He does an excellent job directing the ministry of this active church.

Denny and Sherry Whitehead live year round at Maranatha. Denny is actively involved in the audio support ministry for the church, and Sherry is very busy entertaining -- and she does a great job!

Gil and Pat Seddon split their time between Minnesota and Florida. They are very busy traveling, entertaining and being involved with their family.
Would anyone be interested in coming to Florida for a Pillsbury Reunion sometime? Maranatha Village has some guest rooms, plus the RV Park, and the opportunity to rent some of the units that owners make available. Let me know if you would like to join a future gathering in either 2010 or 2011.