Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Pictures from Charlie Browne

Recently I received a treasure trove of pictures from the famous "Charlie Browne" of olde Pillsbury Hall. Charlie emailed me back at the beginning of the summer telling me he had "tons" of pics from back in the good old days of 1960-64. 

Well, he delivered about 380 pics this past week on a DVD. Wow, what a trip down memory lane. Although we can't post all of them -- the first installment is below.

The irrepressible Charlie Brown at work!

Some of the gang hangin out in the Dipper

Look at these athletes!!

A classic shot of da boys of 2nd Floor

Tom Ritter doing color commentary on the Comets

Fred really looks like he is giving the pitch to Judy, doesn't he?

This wonderful picture of Dr. Parker comes form the yearbook -- I believe

The faculty -- looks like they're having fun.

Mr. Caughill's early morning Greek class?

A poignant memory of Ye Olde Pillsbury Hall

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Some New Pictures from the Old Days

Dwight Weniger sent me several sets of pictures that hearken back to the 1960s. He also sent some recent photos that I will post soon. Thanks Dwight and Judy for these excellent memories!

Who can you recognize in these pictures?