Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Pictures from Charlie Browne

Recently I received a treasure trove of pictures from the famous "Charlie Browne" of olde Pillsbury Hall. Charlie emailed me back at the beginning of the summer telling me he had "tons" of pics from back in the good old days of 1960-64. 

Well, he delivered about 380 pics this past week on a DVD. Wow, what a trip down memory lane. Although we can't post all of them -- the first installment is below.

The irrepressible Charlie Brown at work!

Some of the gang hangin out in the Dipper

Look at these athletes!!

A classic shot of da boys of 2nd Floor

Tom Ritter doing color commentary on the Comets

Fred really looks like he is giving the pitch to Judy, doesn't he?

This wonderful picture of Dr. Parker comes form the yearbook -- I believe

The faculty -- looks like they're having fun.

Mr. Caughill's early morning Greek class?

A poignant memory of Ye Olde Pillsbury Hall

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Some New Pictures from the Old Days

Dwight Weniger sent me several sets of pictures that hearken back to the 1960s. He also sent some recent photos that I will post soon. Thanks Dwight and Judy for these excellent memories!

Who can you recognize in these pictures?

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Interesting Memories from the Past

Coach Poorman sent this fine picture of the Pillsbury faculty from the late 50s. Can you name them all?
George Samaduroff sent two great photos that bring back many memories. Here is Conrad Jorgenson having some fun in the winter trying to push the old maintenance truck. Boy does that bring back memories that have been unvisited for many years. I remember the time when the temperature hung around the -20 mark for about two weeks.
George also sent this great picture of the Riley Society from the early to mid 60s. I can't name all of the guys, but many names came back as I looked at the faces. How about sending me some help in recognizing the crowd.
Ever since Coach Poorman sent me a recent email I couldn't get a certain need for confession off my mind. Actually, I told Brother Clarke the story when we took a trip together to Pontiac, Michigan for a FBF meeting in 1977. So my confession was done proper years ago, but I realized what good is it to have a "precious" memory when it can't be shared?

Back in my sophomore year in 1960-61, Dave Becklund, Roy Vasquez and I shared a room on 3rd floor Pillsbury Hall. Some guys below us acquired a TV that was quickly discovered by that pesky Dean of Men, but it gave us an idea. We purchased a used TV (very much like the one pictured below) and had a great time viewing it in our room for the last few months of the second semester. We even tapped into the Poorman's antenna for a better FM radio signal and TV reception too! Our strategy was to not share our TV with anyone else. That worked. Even Del Budke, who had arranged the purchase for us, could not find the TV in our room.
It was hidden in the bottom of a zippered clothes bag that hung on a extra coat bar in the room. Those were the days! Years later I told Brother Poorman that when we were freshmen at Pillsbury he was always hovering around the dorm, but didn't know what was going on -- until after it happened. By the time we were seniors, we hardly ever saw him on the floor -- but he knew everything going on, even before it happened.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pictures from Sebring, Florida

Jerry Webber came through famously in providing wonderful pictures of the recent visit by Clarke and Roslynn Poorman to Maranatha Village in Sebring, Florida. Here is Gil Seddon, Dennis Whitehead, Coach Poorman and Jerry Webber getting very friendly with the camera. Looks like Florida living is agreeing with them all.
And "the Gals" (Jerry's title for the pic) also showed they were enjoying themselves too. Here are Sherry Whitehead, Pat Seddon, Lynn Poorman and Kathy Webber fellowshipping at the the Webber's home.

This final pic was entitled "Serious Business" by Jerry, and you can see why. They take their games seriously at M.V.; we know by experience -- believe me! After retiring 12 years ago from Woodcrest Baptist, and turning the church over to son Mark, Clarke has been pastoring at Grace Baptist in Waseca, MN, for the past three years. Jerry says, "He and Lynn look disgustingly good. Graduates from 50 years ago would pick him out quickly in a crowd -- her, too!"

Looking at these pictures reminded me that I have on my desk a daily reminder of the Poorman's. In 1976 I traveled with Coach to the northern Virginia area for a FBF meeting. We stayed with Lynn's parents at their home in Rosslyn, VA. Her dad gave me this beautiful pencil/pen holder that he handcrafted. It sits on my desk in our den at home.
I have taken the liberty to "swipe" a picture off of my sister's blog (http://gailsgarden.blogspot.com/) from their recent trip to the Raleigh area. Gail and Paul were able to fellowship with Larry and Linda Pettegrew, Tom and Jane Zempel, and Diane Bookman. Doug Bookman was in Israel at the time. All of these men taught at Pillsbury in the 70s and 80s, and are now at Shepherds Theological Seminary in Cary, NC.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

More Pictures in 2011

Here is a picture of the first four presidents of Pillsbury that some of you may have seen before, but I decided to scan it and make it available in a digital fashion. I have a framed 8x10 of this photograph. This was taken in Dr. Rammel's residence at the time of an FBF meeting that was held on the Pillsbury campus. I think this was in 1985, but not sure. I would appreciate it if anybody can confirm or correct that date.
We had the privilege of spending a great evening with Paul & Gail Fosmark on Jan.6th at Sweet Tomatoes in Raleigh. They were spending some great time with their daughter and family who live in the Raleigh area. We don't get many opportunities to get together with family and so it was a blessing. It was also great to see their son Andy who flew in for a few days.
I received newsy emails from Ray Pratt and Duane Gilbert. They told me of a display of Pillsbury memorabilia that is on display at Central Seminary. Ray also sent along this wonderful picture of him and Marie. The Pratt's have retired and returned to Minnesota to be close to their family -- and enjoy the winter weather I am sure.
June Barlow Matthews connected again and expressed her appreciation at being able to see the pics of old friends. Here she is with her daughter, and grand-daughter -- I think she said. I inadvertently deleted her email, but had already saved the photo.
Here is June and her husband John. They have been serving as missionaries in Australia for a number of years.
June sent along this photo of some of the young people they are working with in Australia. It is interesting to see this example of the cross-cultural nature of ministry in all parts of the world today. June asked that we pray for a number of these young people who do not know the Lord.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Happy New Year 2011

I appreciate so much Roy Vasquez for making a number of these pictures available to me. We had a great time meeting some old Pillsbury friends at Dave and Cindy Becklund's home in Littleton, Colorado, back in June. Roy's the man! Sure do like his hat!
The Becklunds' hosted us royally and here are the old roomies enjoying Dave's breakfast goodies. Dave is a superb cook!
Harold and Bonnie Marcilliott enjoying the beautiful weather following their Sunday evening service.
Butch Rodman, and his wife Kay, lives in the Denver area and they were able to come for the get together.

Here is Connie with Dave and Cindy at their front door. We enjoyed our stay at their beautiful and unique home.
This fall we spent a week in Watertown, Wisconsin and had some time with Fred and Judy Moritz. Fred is teaching each fall semester at Maranatha's Seminary. We had a nice lunch with Fred and Judy, and snapped this pic at church on Wednesday night.
Roy sent these last two pictures from his visit to the Twin Cities this fall. This pic is from his visit to see Roger and Jan Creamer at their house in Excelsior, Minnesota. With Roger and Jan is Jan Anderson Moen.
Roy was very impressed with the lovely home that Roger and Jan have in Excelsior. Roy indicated that they have been very creative and resourceful in the way they have developed and improved their property.
Would love to have some more pictures from you to post.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Spurgeon Boys? & Freshmen Quartet

Roy Vasquez has sent me some outstanding photos. Here is one that is just great! It seems to me that this is a Spurgeon Society grouping. Am I correct, or is this a general group of us Pillsbury boys?

Over Christmas Connie and I took a 3,400 mile trip to the Midwest to be with family. But we also had the privilege of having lunch with Roger and Jan Creamer. We almost missed the lunch appointment because our Southern Diesel Ford F-250 had trouble starting in the Minnesota cold. We were glad that Roger and Jan were patient. They looked great and we had good fellowship with them.
Here is a classic snapshot from Roy. Our Freshman Quartet (Roger Creamer, Butch Rodman, Terry Lassiter, and myself) spent a weekend at Roy's house in St. Louis Park during Roy's senior year in high school. In the picture are Roy's mom (Rita is still living in No. California) and his brother Dean who gave his life in Vietnam, plus his sister Linda who passed away several years ago.
Among some old slides I found this excellent picture of Roger teaching a morning Bible class on a Colorado camping trip in the summer of 1970. I was youth pastor in Normal, Illinois, and Roger came along with our group to be the daily Bible teacher.