Here is a picture of the first four presidents of Pillsbury that some of you may have seen before, but I decided to scan it and make it available in a digital fashion. I have a framed 8x10 of this photograph. This was taken in Dr. Rammel's residence at the time of an FBF meeting that was held on the Pillsbury campus. I think this was in 1985, but not sure. I would appreciate it if anybody can confirm or correct that date.

We had the privilege of spending a great evening with Paul & Gail Fosmark on Jan.6th at Sweet Tomatoes in Raleigh. They were spending some great time with their daughter and family who live in the Raleigh area. We don't get many opportunities to get together with family and so it was a blessing. It was also great to see their son Andy who flew in for a few days.

I received newsy emails from Ray Pratt and Duane Gilbert. They told me of a display of Pillsbury memorabilia that is on display at Central Seminary. Ray also sent along this wonderful picture of him and Marie. The Pratt's have retired and returned to Minnesota to be close to their family -- and enjoy the winter weather I am sure.

June Barlow Matthews connected again and expressed her appreciation at being able to see the pics of old friends. Here she is with her daughter, and grand-daughter -- I think she said. I inadvertently deleted her email, but had already saved the photo.

Here is June and her husband John. They have been serving as missionaries in Australia for a number of years.

June sent along this photo of some of the young people they are working with in Australia. It is interesting to see this example of the cross-cultural nature of ministry in all parts of the world today. June asked that we pray for a number of these young people who do not know the Lord.
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